Track & Field

Varsity Track & Field
2024-2025 Roster


All students interested in trying out for a varsity sport, must have a completed PIAA Form filled out and signed by a medical professional. All PIAA Forms for the upcoming school year can be found below: 
(2022 PIAA Forms)

All students interested in trying out for a sport must have a completed PIAA Form filled out and signed by a medical professional. 
(PIAA Packet)

Tryouts will begin Monday, March 6th at the Parade Grounds

Athletic Fee

The Franklin Towne Charter Athletic Fee is charged to each student athlete participating in a varsity sport. The Athletic Fee contributes towards the Philadelphia Public League Fee, field and facility maintenance and up keeping team equipment and additional supplies. The Athletic Fee will be applied to the Parent PowerSchool Account.

The Athletic Fee for the 2024-2025 will be the following:
1st Sport- $100
2nd Sport- Additional $50
3rd Sport- Additional $50

If you have individual questions about the Athletic Fee please reach out to the Athletic Department @ [email protected] -
(215) 289-5000

Please select the link to view the instructions on how to make payments online. (Fee Payment Instructions

If you would like to stay up to date with scores and events please follow us on Instagram @towneboosterclub . 

Coach Contact Information

Aniyah Holmes
([email protected]

Spring Sport
(March to June)

Contact Information:
Athletic Department
(215) 289-5000 ext.3030
[email protected]