Bullying Intervention & Prevention


Our staff reviews the Bullying Policy yearly at our pre-service professional development sessions in August, and direct all bullying incidents to the Dean of Students and the Director of Student Services. Franklin Towne Charter High School has always had a strong and active set of policies in place to minimize bullying in the school environment. FTCHS strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students. Therefore, it is the policy of FTCHS to maintain an educational environment in which bullying and cyber-bullying in any form are not tolerated. Please review the bullying intervention and prevention policies below.



Franklin Towne recognizes the negative impact that bullying, and harassment has on student health, welfare, and safety and on the learning environment at school. Franklin Towne also recognizes that bullying and harassment creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation and detracts from the safe environment necessary for student learning. Franklin Towne Charter High School prohibits discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion.

Franklin Towne defines bullying and harassment as an intentional electronic, written, verbal, nonverbal, psychological, or physical act or series of acts directed at another student or students, staff, or faculty member, which occurs in and/or outside a school setting, that is severe, persistent, or pervasive and has the effect of doing any of the following:

  1. Substantially interfering with a student’s education

  1. Creating a threatening school environment

  1. Substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school

Bullying and harassment is further characterized by the following three (3) criteria:

  1. Intentional behavior with the goal of inflicting harm, intimidation, and/or humiliation

  1. It is repetitive

  1. It occurs between people where there is an imbalance of power (I.e., physical strength, mental capacity, popularity, or social skills)

Bullying and harassment are prohibited and will not be tolerated. All parents/guardians, administrators, teachers, staff, volunteers, contractors, and students share the responsibility to ensure that bullying does not occur at school, on school property, at school-sanctioned activities or events. This also includes transportation of students, staff or faculty in any vehicle dispatched by the school, off school property when such conduct has a connection to school curricular or non-curricular activity or event. Anyone in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate discipline in accordance with applicable law. 


  1. All students who believe they have been victims of bullying or harassment in any such circumstance should immediately report to an administrator, guidance counselor, or teacher at the school.

  1. All students who witness student bullying shall immediately report to an administrator or teacher at the school.

  1. All administrators and teachers who have bullying incidents reported to them, shall promptly forward the report(s) to the Dean of Students.

  1. All administrators, teachers and staff who witness student bullying in any such circumstance shall immediately take appropriate action to stop the bullying and shall promptly report the bullying to the Dean of Students.

  1. The Dean of Students shall take the information received, and conduct a full investigation which consists of individually interviewing all witnesses, relevant parties, and viewing social media sites if applicable, etc.

  1. Based on the information obtained in the investigation, the Dean of Students will determine if the event in question is an incident of bullying, harassment, or conflict between students.

  1. If a report of bullying or harassment is made but cannot be confirmed, there will be a conference with all students involved and verbal warnings issued where appropriateAt this time, all students involved will be asked if they would like to speak to their counselor and their families will be called.

  2. If a report is confirmed, the student(s) found to be harassing or bullying will be subject to discipline up to and including a three (3) day suspension and/or referral to law enforcement. Students will also be referred to a bullying program facilitated by a staff member.

  1. If the same student is reported after being referred to the program and the report is confirmed, they will be subject to further discipline, up to and including, referral for expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement. 

  1. If, during a bullying investigation, potential issues of sexual harassment are identified, the Title IX Coordinator shall be promptly notified to be handled in accordance with applicable legal obligations.