Administrative Staff

O’Donnell, Brianna

Chief Executive Officer
215-289-5000 ext 3030
[email protected]


Dougherty, Jonathan

215-289-5000 ext 3068
[email protected]

Simonds, Felix

Chief Operating Officer
215-289-5000 ext 3006
[email protected]

James, Dr. Sharmon

Director of Student Services
215-289-5000 ext 3010
[email protected]


Hall, Allan

Director of Information Technology
215-289-5000 ext 3018
[email protected]

Wisniewski, Vincent

Chief of Staff
215-289-5000 ext 3022
[email protected]


Clement, Jennifer

Assistant Principal
215-289-5000 ext 3045
[email protected]


Ounan, Deborah

Dean of Students
215-289-5000 ext 3014
[email protected]


Attewell, Joanne

Special Education Coordinator
215-289-5000 ext 3050
[email protected]


Ocasio-Hirsch, Marissa

Behavior Analyst/Data Coordinator
215-289-5000 ext 3011
[email protected]