Daily Announcements

Wednesday 1/22/25


  1. Prepare in Advance:

  1. Take advantage of faculty office hours every day after school until 3:30 PM.

  1. Visit the Prep Zone for support and homework help.

  1. Request NHS tutoring during advisory or after school for extra assistance.

  1. Take Care of Yourself:

  1. Get a good night’s sleep before each exam.

  1. Eat a nutritious breakfast to fuel your brain.

  1. Come Prepared:

  1. Bring all necessary supplies (e.g., pencils, calculators, erasers).

    Clubs and Activities

Best Buddies will be rescheduled for another date with a a full advisory period.


Real World Leaders Radio will meet today after school in Mrs. Szypula's office.



Drama Club is hosting an audition bootcamp tomorrow, Wednesday the 22nd for anyone who wants to audition for the spring play. This is not mandatory. Audition times and sign up sheet are available outside room 349. Any questions please contact Miss McClay. 


Interest meeting for eSports in Room 244, after school on Wednesday.


"The Best Buddies meeting originally scheduled for today has been rescheduled to next Wednesday, January 29th. Please check the Teams page regularly for any further announcements or updates."






Wednesday 1/22- Bowling at Thunderbird Lane- Holme Ave, 2PM (1:15 Dismissal), Girls Basketball @ Sankofa, 3:15 PM at Heitzman Rec Center (1:15 Dismissal)


Thursday 1/23- Boys Basketball vs Masterman, 3:15 PM in Building 215 (Exam Schedule, No Early Dismissal)


Friday 1/24- Boys Basketball vs Olney, 3:15 PM in Building 215 (Exam Schedule, No Early Dismissal)


Saturday 1/25- Wrestling at Bristol HS


There is a $5 admission fee for the games hosted on FTCHS Campus.


Senior Athletes- If you did not fill out the College Athletic form and have committed to playing next year, please email Mr. Cepparulo.